The only limit you have is the one you set for yourself
Before-and-after images are widespread in the internet weight-loss community. They can be a useful tool for keeping track of your progress, increasing your drive to push through setbacks, and sharing your success story with others on the same path. Of course, like with many other weight-loss techniques, how you utilize progress shots will determine whether they assist or damage your efforts. Experts weigh in on the advantages and disadvantages of before and after images.
Same weight in both pictures but changes were made to her body composition in under 4 weeks.
Down 3 lbs in 3 weeks
Down 11 lbs in 2 months
Down 5 lbs, 2 inches off her waist, and lost 4% body fat in 4 months
Down 8 lbs and 2 inches off her waist in 6 weeks
Down 8 lbs and 2 inches off her waist in 6 weeks
Down 6 lbs in 3 weeks
Up 6 lbs of lean weight in 8 weeks
Down 33 lbs in 3 months
Client Charly Delacruz, is the same weight in both pics but changes were made to his body composition in just 3 weeks.
Client Emily Blomgren, is down 16 lbs in 10 weeks
Client Emily Blomgren, is down 16 lbs in 10 weeks.
Client Taylor Canfield is has dropped 5 lbs and 2 inches off her waist in just 4 weeks.
Client Helena, has dropped 6.5 lbs in 3 weeks
Client Helena, has dropped 6.5 lbs in 3 weeks
Client Smarlyn Colon, has dropped 7 lbs in 8 weeks.
Client Smarlyn Colon, has dropped 7 lbs in 8 weeks.
Client Adam Lopez, has dropped 5 lbs and made changes to his body composition in 7 weeks.
Client London is on a calorie surplus program and continues to lose weight and get leaner as the weeks go by.
Client Luis is down 42 lbs
Client Jack Karlowitsch down 20 lbs in 6 weeks
Client Michael dropped 21 pounds in 10 weeks and made significant changes to his body composition.
Client Michael dropped 21 pounds in 10 weeks and made significant changes to his body composition.
Breezeway's Transformation Coach Angie Fenstermacher leading by example and is ready to show you too can reach the best version of yourself regardless of whatever uphill battle you may be going through.
Client London Brinkman showcasing her transformation from her bulk phase to her current preparation for her very first NPC Bikini contest.
Client Emily Blomgren's amazing weight loss journey also gave her the courage to step on stage at the Fitness Atlantic Transformation.
Client Emily Blomgren's amazing weight loss journey also gave her the courage to step on stage at the Fitness Atlantic Transformation
Client Jon Fulton 72 years old, hired me to help prep him for the NGA Natural Philly Show. He was compared to the over 50, 60, and 70 and took home first place.